
Tuesday, 25 October 2016

I am delighted to be one of 130 poets from all over the world who have contributed new poems to the lovely book One Minute Till Bedtime’. Published by Little Brown Young Readers

 Collected by Kenn Nesbitt, former American Children’s Poet Laureate, and to be released on November 1st, it has already received excellent reviews from Kirkus:  Publishers Weekly:  and the School Library Journal.

It has all the essence of a children’s classic and would make a charming  Christmas present for children of 3-8 years.


Sunday, 16 October 2016

The shops are already filling up with all the exciting outfits and disguises for children to enjoy wearing on 31st October.  This poem is an introduction to Hallowe'en which reminds children it is just for fun, and should never be intimidating.


Pumpkin lanterns full of light

Brightening up the darkening night. 

Spooks and demons, ghosts galore, 

Coming tonight to knock on your door! 

Cobwebs and masks, spiders and bats 

Long hooked noses and pointy hats. 

Witches and wizards out in the street, 

Knock on your door for a trick or treat. 


When the moon is high and the day is done, 

Open your door and have some fun! 


©Brenda Williams 2011

Saturday, 1 October 2016

The first day of October today! After an extended summer there are very few signs of Autumn here in the south of England, but no doubt it is on its way.

So, here is a poem about Autumn, and animals and birds making preparations for winter habitats.

There are more Autumn poems to be found on my web-site, but please remember, all my poems are copyright, and  permission is needed for any publication of them.   You are however welcome to use them with children at home or in schools.

Whispering in the Woodland

Whispering in the woodland,

Sighing in the trees,

Is the sound of autumn coming

In the rustling of the leaves. 


There are scampering little rabbits

Seeking burrows under ground,

And squirrels storing winter food

Of acorns they have found. 


The busy bees of summer time

Are dozy now and seek their hive.

While soaring swallows soon to go,

Swoop and swirl, and dip and dive. 


Shuffling in the hedgerow,

Snuffling in the leaves

Is the sound of hedgehogs’ busy,

Making homes beneath the trees. 


©Brenda Williams