
Tuesday, 25 October 2016

I am delighted to be one of 130 poets from all over the world who have contributed new poems to the lovely book One Minute Till Bedtime’. Published by Little Brown Young Readers

 Collected by Kenn Nesbitt, former American Children’s Poet Laureate, and to be released on November 1st, it has already received excellent reviews from Kirkus:  Publishers Weekly:  and the School Library Journal.

It has all the essence of a children’s classic and would make a charming  Christmas present for children of 3-8 years.


Sunday, 16 October 2016

The shops are already filling up with all the exciting outfits and disguises for children to enjoy wearing on 31st October.  This poem is an introduction to Hallowe'en which reminds children it is just for fun, and should never be intimidating.


Pumpkin lanterns full of light

Brightening up the darkening night. 

Spooks and demons, ghosts galore, 

Coming tonight to knock on your door! 

Cobwebs and masks, spiders and bats 

Long hooked noses and pointy hats. 

Witches and wizards out in the street, 

Knock on your door for a trick or treat. 


When the moon is high and the day is done, 

Open your door and have some fun! 


©Brenda Williams 2011

Saturday, 1 October 2016

The first day of October today! After an extended summer there are very few signs of Autumn here in the south of England, but no doubt it is on its way.

So, here is a poem about Autumn, and animals and birds making preparations for winter habitats.

There are more Autumn poems to be found on my web-site, but please remember, all my poems are copyright, and  permission is needed for any publication of them.   You are however welcome to use them with children at home or in schools.

Whispering in the Woodland

Whispering in the woodland,

Sighing in the trees,

Is the sound of autumn coming

In the rustling of the leaves. 


There are scampering little rabbits

Seeking burrows under ground,

And squirrels storing winter food

Of acorns they have found. 


The busy bees of summer time

Are dozy now and seek their hive.

While soaring swallows soon to go,

Swoop and swirl, and dip and dive. 


Shuffling in the hedgerow,

Snuffling in the leaves

Is the sound of hedgehogs’ busy,

Making homes beneath the trees. 


©Brenda Williams

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Autumn term.  A time for new beginnings, first time at school, new classes.  New school uniforms, or freshly pressed ones.  Holiday hair cut and shiny.
In all the excitement, the teddy of one new beginner is temporarily forgotten.......
Back to School 

I’m a teddy, just dropped here

As school begins another year.

I watch the children, run and meet

In the playground, near the street.

So many children, having fun

Smiling, chatting, everyone.

I stand and tiptoe, creep, creep, creep

And through the window take a peep.

I watch the children, through the day.

I hear them laugh and see them play.

But when at last, the day is done

and children start their homeward run

I see the child who loves me best.

I pick her out from all the rest.

She lifts me up, so I can see

The picture she has drawn of


©Brenda Williams





Wednesday, 10 August 2016





 The magical childhood world of summer- captured in a seaside poem.


The Seaside

Waves from the sea 

Splash on my toes, 

Swirl round my knees 

And tickle my nose. 

Sand from the beach  

Slips through my toes, 

Sticks to my knees  

And hides in my clothes. 


© Brenda Williams

Saturday, 16 July 2016

July......The lavender in my garden is looking lovely, and smells wonderful.....  So here is a kenning about it......

L A V E N D E R 


Mood enhancer

Purple dancer

Scene stealer

Edge feeler

Colour namer

Heart inflamer

Hedge maker

Sun taker

Eye catcher

Garden patcher.

Sense enriching.   Quite bewitching.

Aromatic.  So dramatic.

Sleep inducer

Stress reducer

Sachet filler

Headache killer.

Bee seducer. Oil producer.

Herbaceous vagrant.



Pink or white a lovely sight!

But blue


For a love

 That's true.

           ©Brenda Williams

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Midsummer Night

Here is a poem to celebrate Midsummer Night.
They are selling Moonbeams in the Market Place

They’re selling moonbeams in the market place

And stardust in the stores.

There are snowflakes floating on the sea

And moon dust on the shores.

There’s a rainbow on the milky way

And it’s raining rose-bud rain.

There are fairies dancing on the green

And angels down the lane. 

                             They’re selling moonbeams in the market place

And diamonds there are free.

There are dragons waltzing in the fields

And leprechauns to see. 

                                   There are unicorns prancing in the hills

And elves and goblins too.

There are silver bells and cockle shells

And cows in shades of blue.

For tonight it is mid-summer

A night of magic dreams.

Tonight it is mid-summer

When nothing’s as it seems.


© Brenda Williams

Monday, 9 May 2016

World Environment Day

A recent scene on television, of elephant tusks being burned, brought to mind these two poems of mine.   With World Environment Day approaching on 5th June 2016.  It seems appropriate to post them on my blog.

               Images of elephants 

Silent elephants

In the dusty Savannah

Weeping together

For the loss of their leader

Killed for her ivory tusks


Elephants use tusks

For lifting heavy objects,

Digging for water

And scratching for minerals

Ivory hunters sell them.

©Brenda Williams



Monday, 2 May 2016

May Day Festival

May Day was rather a damp squib for most people, with so much rain.  Here is a shape poem, of how it should be celebrated.

May Day 

Here’s the maypole on the green.  Here’s a happy village scene.

Here are children having fun. Carrying garlands in the sun.

Under, over,




Round the maypole




Weave the ribbons




The prettiest ribbons




Hobby horses




Jingling bells




Morris dancers




With wooden sticks

and heels




©Brenda Williams

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

War Horse

Tonight, 'The Free Spirit Horse Memorial'  is raising funds to create a lasting memorial, acknowledging the
unfaltering service of horses to mankind, at the National Memorial Arboretum, Staffordshire.
The event  itself is to  'Celebrate the Horse' at the Defence Medical Services, Whittington, Staffordshire.
 During the event, pupils from Broadway Academy Birmingham will be reading my poem 'War Horse'. which can be found on my main website.   See Above. 
Wishing them every success.


Thursday, 24 March 2016

Easter Hats

Happy Easter!
I hop you enjoy this Easter poem.....

Easter Hats

Easter hats, thin and wide

Some with ribbons on the side.

Some with flowers of pink and blue

Some with Easter bunnies too.

Easter hats tall and small

Easter hats for one and all. 

Some with Easter eggs in nests

Some with ducks and chickens dressed. 


Easter hats the children made

Ready for the big parade. 


Some with paper twirls and swirls

Some for boys and some for girls.

© Brenda Williams

Monday, 21 March 2016

Spring arrives today.

It's the first day of Spring today and the sun is shining!  Here is my poem for today, but you can find more Spring poems on my main website.  See heading above.

Time for Spring

Something is happening.

Something’s going on.

I can sense it in the farm yard,

I can feel it in the sun.

I can hear it in the newborn lambs

Bleating in the rain.

I can see it in the daffodils

Dancing once again.


Something is happening.

There are buds upon the trees.

And when I’m in the garden

I can hear the buzz of bees.


I can catch the billowing blossom

As it blows towards my hand.

I can see the new crops growing

All across the farmer’s land.


Something is happening.

Birds know this when they sing

They tell us winter’s over.

And now its time for Spring!


©Brenda Williams

Thursday, 17 March 2016

St. Patrick's Day Today!

I hope you all have a great St. Patrick's Day!
It’s the wearing of the green day

It’s the wearing of the green day

The wearing of the green!

For all around this Emerald Isle

The shamrock can be seen!

It’s the wearing of the green day

The day we celebrate                        

St Patrick and his message

On this most important date.

It’s the wearing of the green day

In this land of hills and lakes

Where St Patrick had the wisdom

To banish all the snakes.

It’s the wearing of the green day

A time to dance and sing

For the sound of Irish music

Brings a welcome touch to Spring.

It’s the wearing of the green day

When we remember well

The shamrock and its three leaves

And the story they can tell.

It’s the wearing of the green day 

So follow the parades

We’ll beat the drums and play the pipes

Until the daylight fades.

©Brenda Williams 2009

Friday, 11 March 2016

World Poetry Day 21st March 2016

With poetry very much a part of the English curriculum, World Poetry Day is a wonderful opportunity to engage your school in investigating and enjoying all types of poetry, from action rhymes for the youngest ones to narrative poetry for older ones.   Here is one of my poems for you to use to promote unity within your school. 

Building a rainbow 

People are like colours

In a rainbow up above

And when they work together

Their rainbow’s made from love.

Each strand can be a friendship

Each hand can hold you tight.

Each colour blends with others

To make a rainbow bright.


© Brenda Williams

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

World Book Day

On the recent ‘World Book Day’, I was invited to a lovely Pre-School to read one of my books to children. It was a small group of lively boys and girls between three and four years of age.

I decided to read them ‘A Thumping Great Rabbit’, and was delighted to find them an attentive and interactive group, with plenty of questions both during and after the story.

When I was teaching, I loved using stories as an introduction to a wide range of linked curriculum activities, so I feel slightly at a loss now, when I leave this to their teachers. This story, about a very noisy rabbit, is set in a woodland, which naturally offers opportunities for discussing different animals, but wrapped up in it are also hints about the preservation of woodland environments, and the dangers of drought and fire to many creatures. I am quite sure that their teachers will have loads of ideas of how to continue the learning process, and this I think is so important.

In the evening, on television, I caught an enquiry about the value of dressing up for World Book Day and I assumed the implication was that it was not of educational value. What a pity it would be if we could not keep ‘fun’ in our Early Years curriculum!

Yes, as a parent I can see the problem, if your little darling tells you at bedtime, that they must be dressed up as a Gruffalo for school next day, but there is a fair chance that you may have received a letter about it sometime earlier.

And of course, it should never become a competition amongst parents to produce the best outfit!

Sometimes the simplest is the best. I once had a child in my class who arrived dressed as a ‘Tin Man’ with metal saucepans, colanders and frying pans tied on to her with string, and rattling with every movement. It was impressive, but the poor child could not even sit down in her outfit!

However, if such days introduce children to a range of different books, and the shared fun of linked activities, it is certainly educational.

- Brenda